
How Long After Radioactive Iodine Treatment Can I Kiss

sex activity later on RAI


My husband has been so worried near when we can have sex later on the RAI handling. I take read anywhere from 5 days to 30. Does anyone take an accurate number?

As I have researched what is available to read, I've read so many conflicting reports on numbers of days for everything. As though they are scared of the RAI and want to be super cautious...depending on the state you live in. I want to empathize what is safe. thanks for whatsoever assistance.


  • David40

    Link from
    What kind of contact can I have with other people later my radioactive iodine treatment?

    All patients are checked prior to discharge from hospital to ensure that the levels of radiations in their neck and body have returned to levels that are considered safe past regulatory government. Using common sense, information technology seems reasonable to avoid intimate contact for a few days (kissing, hugging, sexual activeness, sharing food etc) as there may even so be minor trace amounts of radioactive iodine in saliva or other body fluids and secretions. Accordingly, while there is no reason for patients to remain secluded in dissever rooms later discharge from hospital, intimacy and firsthand proximity to others should gradually be reintroduced afterwards several days. There are no scientific studies that have examined whether information technology is safe to kiss someone at 48 versus 24 hours etc, and so we empirically propose waiting an additional 2-3 days later discharge earlier resuming normal intimate human being activities. To review some data that addresses the disappearance of radioactive iodine from our bodies, see Constructive half-life of 131I in thyroid cancer patients. Health Phys. 2001 Sep;81(3):325-nine.

  • poppit

    Link from
    What kind of contact tin I have with other people after my radioactive iodine treatment?

    All patients are checked prior to discharge from hospital to ensure that the levels of radiation in their neck and torso accept returned to levels that are considered safe by regulatory authorities. Using common sense, it seems reasonable to avert intimate contact for a few days (kissing, hugging, sexual activity, sharing food etc) as there may still be small trace amounts of radioactive iodine in saliva or other body fluids and secretions. Accordingly, while there is no reason for patients to remain secluded in separate rooms after belch from hospital, intimacy and firsthand proximity to others should gradually be reintroduced afterwards several days. At that place are no scientific studies that have examined whether it is rubber to kiss someone at 48 versus 24 hours etc, and so we empirically suggest waiting an additional 2-three days afterwards discharge before resuming normal intimate human being activities. To review some information that addresses the disappearance of radioactive iodine from our bodies, encounter Effective half-life of 131I in thyroid cancer patients. Health Phys. 2001 Sep;81(3):325-9.

    Thank you for your annotate. Really, I go the treatment so I am pushed out the door. No hospital time at all. Then, I won't actually know how safe I am. I am inclined to lean toward the condom side, but I don't desire to be obsessive. I would be crushed if I injure those I love...Thank you again.

  • CherylMike

    Ask your doctor
    Poppit~ I would phone call your doc. Better to be safe with something like this. I was not checked for radiations levels being safe when I left the hospital. I was given the pill, waited ane.v hours so sent abode. I would call my physician for any questions pertaining to RAI and they were ever helpful.

  • sunnyaz

    Sexual activity after RAI
    The technician at my Nuclear Medicine office said that I was safe equally soon every bit I was out of isolation. I recollect she fifty-fifty said something bizarre to my married man like "yous could even drink her urine and it wouldn't harm you." We had sexual practice a 24-hour interval or two after I was out of isolation and then far cypher has fallen off of him. I actually don't know how much truth there is to what the technician said, but we felt like she was qualified to know.

  • nasher

    its all most run a risk
    its all about take chances

    in the US at to the lowest degree you can be released from the infirmary when yous are less than 7mr/hour at one meter.

    radioactive iodine has a one-half life of 8.02 days and then every virtually 8 days one-half the radiation is gone from your system that is going to decay abroad

    assuming that 100% of the radiation they give y'all stays in your body (it wont the first few days you sweat and urinate out a big portion i don't know how much only bold 150mci stays)
    so if yous are given 150mci of radiation 8 days later its 75mci another 8 days and its 37.five then 18.75.

    any exposure to radiation increases your risk but past how much i don't think at that place is an like shooting fish in a barrel respond.

    personally i would say 8 days is a skillful minimum past then y'all should have sweated and urinated out almost all of the loose radiation that isn't going to stay and naturally decay away.

    also remember that the radiation you are given is used to kill off your remaining thyroid tissue or to shrink the thyroid tissue if its a pre-surgery. so anything you give off has a chance of killing salubrious tissue in yourself every bit well as anyone you spend time with.

    again it is a very small risk in my stance but im not a doctor and im non a person who knows how much harm it could cause to your loved 1.

  • weberdns

    I was told that...
    Subsequently I finished with my TBS I was able to buss, have sexual practice, and return to normal life. I was in isolation for seven days after my RAI dose. I had my TBS and it didn't prove aggregating of RAI anywhere merely the neck.

  • BellsAngel69

    I was told that...
    After I finished with my TBS I was able to buss, have sexual activity, and return to normal life. I was in isolation for 7 days after my RAI dose. I had my TBS and it didn't show accumulation of RAI anywhere only the neck.

    Hey, if you still accept the
    Hey, if yous withal have the desire to have sex afterward it all, more power to you. I've found that since being diagnosed and treated for Hurthle cell cancer seven years ago, my libido had swung high and low, along with my mood swings, plus having to bargain with my husband's ain bug of mood swings, some of them due to dealing with my thyroid cancer, some due to his how low and bi-polar problems. He's never been formally diagnosed, but I see all the signs. It hasn't been piece of cake, and sometimes I feel it all comes down to him not understanding how much thyroid cancer/issues bear on every role of your being, both physical and emotional.

    Hang in there. Keep your relationship open and as "normal" as possible to preserve your sanity and any semblance of normality.

    Hugs, Patti


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